Friday, November 30, 2007

Lines 136-143

136-143. Dante and Virgil emerge from Hell. What might the stars symbolize in these lines?


Anonymous said...

I think the stars might symbolize little lights of God- like the first hope. After being in hell for so long, I'm sure the stars are a beacon of light to Dante.

Anonymous said...

The stars symbolize the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. After being in the darkness of Hell for so long... Dante now sees light. It further shows that God is always there and will never abandon you.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth and Carrie are both right. It said that Dante ended his poems with symbolism of heavenly stars. They stand for hope. As they were climbing up the mountian they were in darkness, but as they keeping climbing they see light. I think Dante was trying to say some parts of your journey are in darkness, but sometimes you see.

Anonymous said...

They might symbolize enlightenment. Like, he has finally come through hell, and now he is realizing everything.